Location: North Central, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

What would men like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams or George Washington think about the current events in this country today?

A recent report (
was_the_2004_election_stolen) has brought facts to light strongly suggesting several irregularities in the 2004 presidential election, especially in the key state of Ohio, that has kept George Bush and his cronies in office through 2008. These irregularities range from limiting the number of voting machines in areas regarded as liberal, heavily Democratic, or otherwise in the Kerry camp, to outright mis-reporting Kerry votes as Bush votes. The writer holds that without these irregularities, Ohio would have gone to Kerry in the Electoral College, and may have won the Presidency. US history has several examples of election wrongdoing designed to protect those in power, but if these allegations are true, this is Tammany Hall on a national scale.

Now we see bills in Congress that would allow unrestricted detention of anyone labeled as an "enemy of the State", and to allow the President to wiretap any phone for a period of 90 days without judicial approval. Who will be the targets of these wiretaps and secret detentions? Will it be: Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, academians? Aren't the tactics used to promote these ideas playing on the same emotions as the Nazis used in 1930's Germany? Will anyone who dares voice opinions contrary to the current administration be targeted for wiretaps, apprehension and shipment to a detention camp? If no one is left to oppose, what will the next step be?

The current administration is currently waging a war based on lies and disinformation. Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. He was a criminal, to be sure, but was terrorizing only his own people. Was the oil under the middle eastern sand a factor in Bush's decisions? Oil is certainly something George Bush should be able to comment on, since it is the family business.

We live with the Patriot Act, named to perpetrate the state of fear generated by the Washington establishment. Anyone opposing any portion of this act was labeled Un-American during the renewal debates last year. Will these same people who raised voices of reason be targeted for wiretaps, investigation and/or detention? Our President vowed in 2001 that terrorists will never defeat the American spirit, but given the current trend, it seems that he and his party members and appointees are well on the way to accomplishing that very feat.

Is it possible that I named the wrong men from history in the opening of this blog? What would men like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin think about the current events in this country today?


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